A Gone Til November Moment

Can I just say that I'm thrilled October is done? Please understand, autumn is my favorite time of year. However, this year October has been the most demanding work month I've ever experienced. I've had days like that. A week here or there, even. But this was day after day, intense, grinding work that required focused and contact attention. I basically had to tell the world, I'll be Gone Til November.

Okay, so I didn't fly the coop for the year, and I can totally work a 9 to 5, but I like the sound of the chorus.

So, now the it's finally November and there is occasionally a chill in the air, I'll sit with a cup of lovely Diamond Second Flush Darjeeling, from Canton Tea Club.

I've tried Darjeeling occasionally, but they often seem to be a little too mellow, not terribly robust or memorable. Not so with this one. Rich, pleasantly substantial without being astringent. For the first time, I understand why Darjeeling is sometimes referred to as the "Champagne of Teas."
